On my tombstone I hope there is some reference to all the good I have done.  That is of course assuming that I have done any good, and that I change my mind about being cremated.

I realize that no matter how much you love your child, and most parents do love their children very much, more than punch & pie even, if you have a school aged child you suddenly want that child in school all of the time.

All of the time.

It’s not that you mind the special time that you have together, it is that you realize how totally fucking awesome it can be to not have a smallish child with you during the day and you slightly resent that things like:


School breaks present an ‘interesting’ time in this house.

First I am not working outside of the home right now, I spend lots of days without the boy.  I miss him much when I can not hear his laughter.  I also think that school should be in session 355 days a year.  I would go for 365 but that would seem like I never wanted him to be home.  *blink*

The boy is amazing, and I adore him more than anything.  He is my reason for living on most days, yet I really want him to be in school. 

Right now I think it is because of the responsibilities of Bonnie & Clyde but I would not bet a mortgage payment on that.

I have small windows of opportunity to do things for myself and they disappear when the boy is not in school ….like say for spring break.

I get up – chant – sometimes I even exercise – and then it’s off to make breakfast #1 for the midget Dominant.  Get him up, feed him, off to the school bus.

I then typically have about 30 minutes before the idiot nurse of the month shows up to disturb the peace.  Mom is rarely awake at that time of morning.

I can stretch, tweet, pick my nose, whatever!  Okay maybe I don’t pick my nose.  *blink*

While the idiot nurse of the week is getting things in order for mom, I start the housework, or the homework which ever is more pressing and all of the other things that I have to get done in a day.  It doesn’t seem like there is that much to do, but then again, when you have idiot nurse of the week you are spending just as much time doing things for Bonnie as you would if the idiot nurse were not present.  It’s not cute at all.

Things like spring break disrupt the schedule, and remember I do not like change.

It’s been a long week constant reader.

A funny week – still long though.

Things have gone missing – patience has been tested – prayers have been said – and there were eventually tears.

I think that just maybe I was too old when I had Clyde because quite frankly constant reader I am all tuckered out.

Many days in the park – many innovative things to keep the boy entertained – not enough picking of the nose.  I realize during weeks like this just how much I need my ‘me’ time. 

I never thought I would be as happy as I am for the boy to go back to school, but I am.

I will look like this in 12 hours: 

It’s not even that it has been a bad week.  It has not.  With the exception of my missing bluetooth things have gone about as well as I could hope.  The therapist helped a lot – god bless you Abdel – and I had good support from HIM, but I am still going to be singing that song.

Now I just have to figure out how to convince mom that she wants to go to an Adult Day center a couple days a week and I could turn into a normal woman again.  Maybe.  Possibly.

Bonnie even is ready for Clyde to go back to school, that should tell you what a long week it’s been.

Bonnie had a night of her own tonight.  Our neighbors pulled out the grill and Bonnie went to socialize.  I think she  only had one beer, but I can’t prove it.  I do know that it is midnight and she is still tapping her toes so that means she must have had a good time.

She was humming Beyonce.  If she decides to drop down  low & sweep the floor with it…I am out.