I miss these shorts.
This is one of a handful of photos I have after an Interrogation scene. I think this was 2012? The last time I had a long planned well thought out not off the cuff scene.
Interrogations are a lot of work. I know this one was. It is still one of my favorites though. Everything went right in this case until everything went wrong. When things went wrong we worked on them.
A regret I have is not thinking far enough ahead to pack a change of clothing.
Without question this was one of my better performances in an interrogation scene. I held out for a long damned time and it took brute force to finally get me to tap and hand over the first piece of information.
He might still have the video to prove it but it took him just beating the ever loving shit out of me. Nothing else he did worked.
Of course with him beating the ever loving shit outta me I got those lovely stripes you see here and stories to tell the kids who ask why I like interrogations.
Ironically with this partner they often hit my soft spot by accident. They plan everything out and do a pretty good job of walking around in my brain. The thing is they by accident hit my soft underbelly. The first time they made me tap out they walked me in front of a man I was interested in creating a relationship. Seems harmless except for what that man was DOING in that moment, how it made ME feel, and my desire to not have him see me that way.
The next time – this time it was a pure accident. After a good hour of trying to get me to talk he figured out he was going to have to restrain me. Now mind you, he’d been TRYING to do that for an hour, but it was my job to resist. I tend to be good at my jobs.
As he attempted to bound my ankles and I attempted to give myself the slack I knew I would need to get out of the rope later I feared my ankle bracelet, my collar, would be damaged.
It was a simple request, let me take it off. We did.
The panic attack that came with watching my collar walk across the room defies words.
As I plan my next ‘grand’ interrogation scene I am reminded of where my weak spots are and trying to plan accordingly. Now my interrogator may read this, but I should be ok. Barring some miracle there won’t be a signifigant other to slow me down from my goal of ‘winning’.
Of course I say this and it will be my fucking luck that a week before the scene that changes.
Oh well, I will have to change with it too.
Challenge on.
Aphrodite Brown