Hello to those who are new to me and greetings to those who are true to me. There’s more to find here than a pretty face, a deep throat and vagina conversations.
It is often suggested that I make changes here at Vizionz to appeal to one audience. The people who come here to read about _____ don’t want to hear about _____.
Sorry that is not gonna happen. Vizionz may have started out as a place to talk about my connection with The Man but he’s not here now, and neither is the woman who started this blog seven years ago. Vizionz has expanded to be the life and times of Aphrodite and in that lane, you are going to have to accept that some days I will talk about my love of oral sex, others you are gonna get that other Aphrodite.
I have layers. Those layers also contribute to whichever version of me that you love. If you come for the politics, the sexual suggestion enhances that. It’s my appreciation for my vagina which makes me pay attention to what politicians want to do with my vagina.
The thing about my layers is that they seem to conflict but they do not. Those layers compliment one another and make the Aphrodite you’ve come to appreciate.
It is my feminism which allows my submission.
Let us talk about my submission for a moment.
I currently identify as Sadomasochist. I choose that term to explain to those interested where I am in this moment. While at some point I may again choose to kneel, that is not where I am today. Today I am a woman who is also a sexual being who also enjoys S&M. I am not looking for a relationship. I am not looking for a collar. Right now, I am just trying to get laid fairly frequently and beat more than that.
Underneath that layer is the woman who might one day choose to love again.
Underneath that layer is the mother.
Underneath that the student.
There is more to me than just ______. If you are trying to get to know me, understand you are going to have to go through layers. My suggestion is to enjoy the ride.
In the meantime, the political layer just wants to say: Stop begging Black women to save your asses Alabama.
Aphrodite Brown