As I dig myself out of the literal and proverbial hole I thought I would take a moment and update you about things around here.

It’s been……busy.

I had to make some decisions back in January and while I am sticking to them I cannot say that it was easy.  They were some of the harder ones I’ve had to make, and I’ve got a lengthy history of tough life choices.

I am now a suburbanite.

Stop laughing.

I mean it…stop laughing.

As I had to figure out what life looked like as a non active _____, I also had to figure out what that meant for me. I still have some things to figure out but I am making progress. Someone who loves me gave me the option to live with her, I said yes.

Stop laughing.

Yes I know how anti social I am but I’ve come a long way baby. I can accept help, once upon a  time I could not. I can also admit that I need people where once upon a time I could not. This might not be the ‘people’ I’ve fought for but it is people and admitting that I cannot navigate through life alone is big for me.

Yes there are things that I miss, like naked breakfast but I am thankful for this moment.

My life in suburbia is not without challenges. The commute to and from the city is killing me some days.  The lower level of the house is fairly populated. The benefits outweigh the challenges though, and I am not ‘alone’.

There are not sidewalks though.  There is not enough concrete, asphalt and stores that are open past 10pm.  There is not enough melanin. There is though the company of people who enhance me and there is freedom that would not otherwise be present.

I don’t “like” the suburbs, but I can find a way to live with them. Don’t tell Tempest though ok?

After jjabrams crashed and burned I joked that I was done ‘looking’ for a dominant partner.  I was lying of course, but like usually happens in my life while I make plans the universe laughs hysterically and says fuck your couch.


The Chef is now a thing. For how long?  Shit you know me, it could be 30 seconds.  He’s got my attention though and that is hard to do so he’s worth the mention.

I don’t mention all who pass through in a moment, but the ones I do mention are usually worth it.  Except jjabrams. I’m unsure he will ever understand the debt he owes Tempest for keeping him around so long.  I’m also not sure she can give me back the loss time spent trying to kick him to the curb while she caped for him. The chef is not dominant though.

Yeah, I’m contemplating traveling down ‘that’ road again. I’m thinking more Michael than Andrea if he sticks around. I sure as fuck am not built to survive another Andrea so the time it’s gonna take to earn my trust is not short. The kid is 31 though so he’s young enough to withstand the wait, if we think it might be worth it.

Worth is really a relative term though.

If nothing else this one at least KNOWS that he requires education and guidance and is not gonna fight me every damned step of the way trying to teach him that which he does not know.  He is cute. Quite cute actually. I am certainly curious. Curiosity doesn’t hold me though, he is gonna need more. My gut says that he is capable of more, I will keep you posted.

In the meantime constant reader, I am gonna work on some stuff. Stuff like picking a song and getting my cardio in order. I have a twerk contest to win in August.


Aphrodite Brown