People with melanin need to be in the sun more to absorb more vitamin D. I am accomplishing one of my summer goals and its not even unofficially summer. I am going to go with its legitimate summer though because I have my first mosquito bite, on my forehead. What can I say I am a little sweet.
I told someone this morning that for the first time in a couple decades I get to write my own story. I still don’t know what that looks like, but the concept of it is exciting. It is also a little scary but its more exciting than scary. I still haven’t fully absorbed it but that changes nothing so …forward.
I am considering lots of possibilities which for me historically can be a challenge. History doesn’t have to define me though.
I’m reminded in this moment about my affection for ass. Yes there is a trigger for that but not one I am gong to discuss at the moment. You know me though, its coming.
As I type I remember a time when I dreamed of coffee on the deck on a morning like this. The view was different, but in a sense I’ve given myself that dream. There was a price to pay to get it but nothing in this life is free except the often unsolicited opinions of others. I remember wanting that – this – so badly. Just a morning where I could sit on the deck sip my coffee do a little writing and listen to the sounds. I am doing just that. I am literally living the dream.
This tells me that I can have other dreams, I can manifest other things. I think I would like to manifest fewer spiders out here on this deck but for the moment beyond that is not something I’ve thought in details about.
I am going to put some thought into those details though. I told someone I am pretty simple, and I am but I am thinking that a complication or two is a good thing right now, I want to know that I can manage them. I sense that I can, but I also have respect that if I ask for them they will be delivered, and I am working on that.
I’m going to go inside and be a different type of productive now. After that I get to earn my pay for the day and then log go for a 3 day weekend.
Before I go though I want to take a moment to record that I feel the love of my best friend today. No distance can impede that. I hear you cheering for me. I love you.
Aphrodite Brown