If you thought that I brought the pain for #PhillyvsEverybody you apparently haven’t seen me trying to avoid a relationship. King Kong ain’t got shit on me.
It’s time to admit something here that I haven’t even if you’ve seen it coming Constant Reader, I want him.
I threw together all of the things I wanted in a partner, and the universe killed his people, put him on the East Coast, put me in reach and said now what?
Of course I’ve been Nicole’ing the shit out of this. I really am making progress, in so many areas, and doing so many things. And in this movement I find in this area I am Nicole. Not even the new Nicole. The PTSD Nicole. The waiting for the other shoe to drop Nicole. The second guessing Nicole. The all right imma head out Nicole.
I’ve been ‘here’ before. This whole blog is 10 years of the result of being here.
Sure you’ve gotten other stuff along the way. But it started here.
Of course it stared here with someone who is not August 4. Shit August 4’s only resemblance to The Man is MY response to his presence. Even that is different though, which has me at the keyboard, typing shit out because my head is full right now. I shall revisit this but in this moment I gotta go do laundry. Something should be clean, because my thoughts are not. Literally and figuratively.
Aphrodite Brown