This was a question, not presented in the regular fashion as the other entries, but one presented to me all the same and I was in the mood to answer:
Wouldn’t you rather be monogaous?
I am who I am, and my nature is that of non monogamy. I don’t desire it, I don’t require it. It is a construct that I both into once upon a time and then I started cheating.
I like this way better. Much better.
The person who asked was not requesting monogamy of me, rather exploring me and learning me. There is an appeal to that I must say, even when I have to burst a bubble and tell the person I am non monogamous.
Can I practice it? Certainly I do it with ease. I once told …he needs a new nickname. I used his government as a way to extricate myself, and frankly he isn’t worth mention, but for this moment he is a part of the story. I will think of something appropriate for him but in the interim, I once told Lord Voldemort that I was made for specificity. That is not conflict with my non monogamy, rather it is a side effect of my commitment.
Once you have my attention, and once we agree this is gonna be a thing, I spend most of my time contributing to your happiness. I do all that I can to make that a thing, and to please you. In that focus, my desire for others is not a priority. I don’t seek other lovers while I am loving you.
I told A, that’s who asked the question, I’d rather be out here on these streets reckless. I would. I would rather be out here hoeing, and racking up numbers, but that is not how I am built when I am in a relationship so that’s that.