A kinky associate of mine posted a photo like this a couple of weeks after Lord Voldemort and I decided to give it a go. I sent this to him and I was super serious about it. There is more than one way to commit a murder.
Today was what should be my final court date with him. While anything is possible, I want it to be the end.
I am moving along, and witnessing his descent. While he might deserve everything that I am capable of doing, I still have to be true to myself. I can’t be a bully.
Kalifornia Karen was not at the hearing today, which is a deviation from every other hearing since this began. He had his health incident, a REAL health incident, as I was informed by his attorney, and his appearance supported that. The man I saw today looked 10 years older than the last time I saw him and walked with a cane. I have my suspicions, but I am willing to let them remain such, I am not investigating.
When we got to court it turned out that we were double booked, so I took the opportunity to reoffer settlement.
After the trial for Kalifornia Karen was set, I reached out to the attorney to try to see if he and I could reach an agreement and end this. I offered to go on the record agreeing to no contact, and requested he do the same. I offered to let go of my legitimate claim for July rent if he gave up the idea of me paying his legal fees. He rejected that offer.
I don’t know for certain what shifted within him to make him agree to exact same deal today but he did. So it is done.
I am sure I will second guess pulling my punches again, but I am going to lean into this and let the Universe handle what needs to be handled.
As I watched the videos we made here, it was obvious to me that I’ve reached the part of healing where indifference has entered the building. I don’t feel love, or hate or pain. He’s a guy, and shrug. I wasn’t nervous going into court today, I was resolved.
Perhaps he needed to see my demeanor, as well as the lawyer seeing the demeanor. Understanding the woman in front of them was built for whatever they could throw at me.
The novel of messages didn’t have to be pulled out, and the videos and audios could remain in the briefcase.
The last hurdle/move is Burton v Jacobson.
My preference is that it end in a whimper like today. I am prepared though for WW3. I’ve refined the plutonium, and made arrangements for the nuclear weapon with the initials AG.
I laid down the weapons I had ready to go for him, and he was the one I was invested in. I am willing to lay them down for her as well.
I am also willing to burn everything to the motherfucking ground.