It means something.
Along the way to here, you run into people. Once upon a time I might have taken a minute or 10 to examine the why behind behaviors. Today is not that day though, and at the end of the day I was not the one sending almost daily emails since 2019 that were going unanswered. Oh, yeah that’s right, because I was there every day. #SHRUG
I find projection almost comical, except this projection has consequences. On all the levels, from all the people, the projection could cost me both money and time. While I might not have the same net worth as some of my sexual partners, my time is priceless.
33 then 34. Then 325. Yeah, be well indeed because it’s a stretch, but hey lots of folx are stretching these days.
Nothing will deter me from where I am going. Period.
No one will tell me that which I am allowed or not allowed to do, without my giving them that permission.
I’ve been on this 3rd rock from the sun 50 years. While the things I’ve gone through in those 50 are not as bad as some, but are worse that others, I know what and WHO it built. Apparently others do not.
That’s cool.
What’s also cool about me? With little effort, I tend to be able to put people where I need to, and in the process accomplish my goals. The ramblings of the serially neglected are not immune to that either.

PS – You’d think a chick would be grateful he’s talking again, but …niggas