It’s been a moment, and I am not even sure this warrants the response, but you know what? Today I shall make the time.
I have a series of questions, asked over about a month from poster Felicia. I am going to record this here and then say Bye Felicia until the paperwork is complied with, or I have to make a statement as the consequences of ignoring said paperwork are presented. I’m good either way, since within the bodies of the emails I got what I needed. So let’s get to the nitty gritty since I am not woman enough:
Who are you?
I am lots of things, but what you need to know is I am a chick from Philly, I now live on the West Coast, and I also have a better understanding why dozens and dozens and dozens of emails were sitting unread.
EDITORS NOTE – The next series of questions arrived 20 days later, after no additional requests or comments from me.
Kindly refrain from corresponding with me.
I hadn’t since March 4, but …ok. I guess.
It pains me to learn that you are stalking him. Do you think he wants to fuck you after all this bullshit? Really.
Staking is a harsh word with a pretty specific legal definition. I would not toss that about, but I can’t expect others to live up to my standards. It’s also not at all true. I am not the one manufacturing ‘potential’ court cases, dragging children into the correspondence, or sharing warped narratives to attorneys to ..well who the fuck knows why they are doing it, but do I think he’s still attracted to me? Perhaps, if he is or is not remains irrelevant, but you asked the question.
How demented are you to view me fucking him by yourself? You are a sick person
There should be a period at the end of that sentence. I will toss that rock lightly though since I am sure there will be more than 1 typo in this post. Demented. Another harsh word with a specific definition. I am reasonably sure it was meant to be an insult. The thing is though….there are over 1000 posts and 12 years of entries which detail my alternative lifestyle. Why would I watch my former lover having sex with someone else? At the time it turned me on. It doesn’t any longer which is why I no longer do it. I’d be more concerned with who else and where else my home videos were being distributed but once more, I cannot expect others to live to my standards.
That is not an actual word.
If you didn’t give her the opportunity to assault you, as you alledge, then you wouldn’t be grasping straws by harassing me.
Harassing, either you do not know the meaning of the word, or you are unfamiliar with how it is applied legally. That’s cool. That is not what this is/was, but you’ve displayed you lack comprehension skills in some areas so I can baby step with you. I am also assuming you mean allege, and I did not allege any woman assaulted me. I also don’t blame victims.
There’s other dick out there. You just need to get up off your sorry ass and go get it. Trust! There’s better dick out there. No lies!
Yes I know:
Anyone approaching me about anything to do with you, I shall have them and you arrested.
That is not how that works. SMH
You obviously did not research me enough to realize that I am not a force to be fucked.
Sometimes Constant Reader the jokes write themselves.
Yes it was in all caps – no editor’s emphasis. And again, I hadn’t sent a message since the beginning of March. I think what might have set this response off was my signature on my last email: Be Well. Was that a little petty of me? Sure, yet the lengthy tirade of misspellings, misplaced words and other word salad as it appeared in my inbox well I feel like there is something else there besides a reaction to 2 words. It’s almost as if …..meh it’s not worth mentioning.
Maybe you did something for him not to honor you as a queen.
Don’t be bitter over your own shortcomings. Use this as a learning experience and mature. Stop festering in hate and wallowing in shame.
More victim blaming – check. Hate and shame….hmmm. Hate requires an emotional investment which no longer exists. Sure in the immediate aftermath and on occasions in the healing process it existed. No need to color that as something else, or pretend like it was not a thing. Based on everything that happened, and HOW it happened? The emotion was valid, as most emotions are, and it evolved into something else, like most emotions do. Shame? There are times when I ask myself why did I not see this was possible. I’ve also been truthful with myself and admitted that intellectually I knew that it was, I simply allowed love to minimize that window because I did not want to see it. Is there shame in that? I don’t know if I would use that specific word, but let’s roll with it. If I were ‘wallowing in shame’, it would dictate different behaviors and a different course of action. I am moving, as I have since last May, focused on my preservation and protection. While it might cause a discomfort to others, especially since it is counter to the narrative attempting to weave itself into reality, their discomfort is not my responsibility. There is nothing wrong with holding someone accountable for their words or their deeds. While the person[s] being held accountable might wish things were different, it’s not up to the person who was wronged to carry that bucket.
So….that’s a wrap for Ask Aphrodite the March 2023 edition! Coming soon: Unread emails.
***EDITOR’S NOTE*** – July 17 2023
In a truth is stranger than fiction moment I got an apology from Felicia today. I won’t go into the details, but she led off with the apology in our conversation. She also says she was hacked. I hate that for her.