I don’t do these as often as I used to, but I don’t do many of the things I used to do. A part of it is having the YouTube Channel. A secondary reason is I’ve had other things in the pipeline which took priority
I am making time for this one though because of it’s tangential relationship to my state.
I got to watch Creed 3 with the work wife. It was not a good movie. Tessa Thompson was good, and under utilized. Jonathan Majors was exceptional and sexy as fuck, and also under utilized. Michael B Jordan did an ok job as a 1st time director. Just ok.
I watched it though, because 2 good looking Black men would eventually be oiled and half naked for my amusement. I don’t ask for much, I am simple to please.
Spoilers ahead before I pivot to the point of the post:
Adonis Creed retires as one of the greatest heavyweight boxing champions of all time, to live happily ever after with the woman who was out of his league, the daughter who acts like him, and his millions. Insert Dame Anderson, former Golden Gloves champion and friend of Adonis who did a bid. A long bid. Just before he was about to go pro and become a boxing legend. Dame is out and wants to pick up where he left off…..20 years prior.
Adonis sets him up in his gym, there are moments in the gym where Dame punks the current heavyweight champ, Felix something or other who looks like a bantum weight. Dame sets up Big Nasty, or Baby Drago who Felis was supposed to fight. Dame gets the title shot instead and half boxes, half jail fights his way into a knock out of the champion. Dame then calls Adonis names and calls him a bitch and suddenly Adonis has to come out of his retirement of 3 years to defend his manhood. He beats Dame. The End.
Listen, it was NOT a good movie. The prior 2 were directed by Ryan from Oakland who was last seen making billion dollar Marvel sequels. This one was directed by MBJ and he needs more work.
The movie was off the rails, hurried, edited in a mediocre way and forgettable. Well it was not forgettable after they finally let Majors take off he sweat suit. Dame also fights the main fight in an adjusted kilt and I am here for sexy men in kilts. Yes I know it was not a kilt but let a sisth er imagine.
There was a good movie in the idea/concept. A movie about Dame would have been a good movie. Jonathan Majors is an acting genius and did more with a crooked lip and raised eyebrow than Dwayne Johnson.
The point of the movie instead was Black men need therapy. Well no shit.
The whole 3rd ‘act’ because the 3rd act was the fight as there was barely a training montage, just like there was barely a fight, the whole 3rd act didn’t have to happen if Adonis had a clinical therapist who can send you to the PsyD to get meds. or the MD or whatever.
Adonis could have taken that “L” for his fighter, counted his money, fucked his wife and let Dame live.
Some motherfuckers are not capable though, which is why we have Creed 3.
There was no need to have the fight. Adonis loses nothing, could lose everything. Yet he still sticks his barely 5’10” frame into the ring, because he has arrested development and is a fucking toddler. Self centered, ego centered, about his damn self and only himself. So he takes the chance to risk it all, because he must be right and prove someone wrong.
It’s a lesson for me, but it’s a lesson for someone else too. The issue is only one of us listening.
I let shit go that I didn’t want to because I understand that carrying that is detrimental to me, and I protect myself at all times.
I also pick up a sword and slice when I have to because, same.
In this moment there are decisions to be made, and I’ve made mine to move forward. Others are choosing something else, and the intelligence behind that I do not see. It feels like they think I can be taught a lesson. Motherfucker I already learned what was required of me.
The only thing this path does is extend the connection we both wish severed. Well the one I severed. If others have remains to be seen.
Am I missed? Sure, because me. Am I wanted? Only they can answer that question and I am not asking it because I don’t give a fuck. Are they happy with their choice? No, but they picked it so shrug.
Also tangential is the current swirl of controversy about Majors. My Black men are just never going to learn the lesson to leave yt women alone I see, and are going to keep catching those strays as a result. I ain’t the shield any longer though so if you bleed out, that is your issue not mine.
Betcha $5 she called him a nigger.
Betcha $10 he had at least the sense of self preservation to not choose to sleep next to her every night after that and have some dignity.