I never did get a recommendation from that post, but by May 1 I’d decided what the path would be and I’d started gathering data. The plan would be interrupted by a planned trip later that month, but the need for the plan and the urgency of it would increase exponentially after that trip.
By August of 2022 I’d filed my paperwork and was waiting on hearing date, it was right around then that I found a lawyer. By that time I only had a lawyer, because the other side had one. I’d done all the legwork and paperwork. I’d presented a case where the other party was going to settle, the only question was for how much and when.
When I did settle I ended up paying the lawyer a percentage for essentially 4 hours of work. At the time it was worth it to me, because I needed to settle to move the the next thing. On that day I accepted less than what I could have held out for, if I wanted to spend more time in PA. I didn’t though, I ‘needed’ to be here. I was ready to live my life with whatshisname.
I am not an attorney and I never played one on TV but who I am is the person who did that thing up there. I took a behavior, which is one of the hardest to prove in employment law, and forced a settlement from a company which had the time and the money to ruin me.
In May of 2023 I am facing a similar battle. The difference this time is that it is personal, to them I am assuming. I was personal to me when I filed, and remains such if I feel in jeopardy. While I do always glance over my shoulder when I leave my home, the urgency of it is not the same for me today. Maybe that is arrogance on my end, but I think if there will be a volley from that direction I expect it to be from the penis holder not the vagina person. Again, might just be arrogance, after all this one should have settled long ago, yet we go to war in 2 weeks.
There is an obstinance there which I cannot quite identify its source but the obstinance remains and has to be met with the same energy. I have the energy, and the receipts, same way I did in November 2021. The difference here? The company was always going to have a lawyer, this situation never required one. It was a choice, and a costly one. The unedited reality is though, for this case a lawyer is not needed. The decision was made an this option chosen as a display of intimidation.
It was a reminder to me that they have time, they have money.
In the aftermath, all of the story wasn’t told, and it was edited to mitigate the damage he created. There is zero chance of it being anything other than that based on the response of the accessory attorney. In the year after, what’s been shared? Who knows, and frankly it does not matter. When you have the truth and you are 10 toes down in it, what fairy tales others create mean little.
I did need the reminder though that I’ve been David to Goliath before and was victorious. If others needed that reminder to? Well that will be my service for the day.
Now I am going back to writing. Since I was here last, I’ve submitted 2 other paperbacks for review and I have the first in the series to finish and have proofread/edited. You see, I haven’t had to spend all this time focusing on the upcoming battle because I’ve been living and moving forward. You should try it.