Some of you aren’t old enough to get that reference. I like to think of it as the time that Democracy as we knew it died. Just Google the Bush v Gore.
Unlike the delusions of MAGA2020 – that was an actual contested election with actual issues. While it wasn’t fraud, it was worthy of the recount.
Speaking of recounts I said this a couple days ago: ” I get a better idea of how good I am, and I am REALLY good. I am finishing the month at #2 but that was due to a mid month change I wasn’t able to work around. While the overall ranking is #2 I am still top of the list in the category that impacts the most. I really wanted #1 and I had it for 2 weeks but I will take what I have and build on it. “
I was given a curve ball, wasn’t sure I could hit it, swung anyway and look what happened:

Just a reminder when you celebrate my loss – wait until the final numbers are in, because I don’t lose often.