Okay now that class is over……

A different version of me would be trying to get the content so I could rebut. Yes I was told about the post. I can’t see it, I blocked you long ago. I am sure along the way someone will send me screenshots. I am sure I will read them.
If I had to guess? It was a victory lap, where you called me old and fat and single. Yawn.
In other news it’s good to see that you aren’t still walking with the cane.
In other other news, it’s a tinge of sadness that you’ve done everything I predicted you would, almost in the exact way I said. I used to think you were so smart.
I get it. If I didn’t think it was your way, I learned that first hand last July. You showed me who you are, and I believe you. Funny thing is, I also showed you who I am, and you doubt that. shrug
I heard you went to Red Lobster. No Beyonce reference though, because well….you know.
Have your moment. I expected it, and planned for it.
I took a moment a year ago to experience the gut punch you delivered, and then I planned.
All I ever asked was that you do right by me, you refused. That’s fine.
My very presence here in this moment this very fucking moment as I type on the keyboard of the laptop you purchased is because someone who didn’t do right by me had to fuck around and find out. I’ve made history, you are simply repeating it.
Like I said, have your moment. Savor it and commit it to memory. Put it in Penzu if that will help. And while you do that, keep rewriting the story of me in your head until you believe it. It’s not reality, nor will it ever be, but I feel like you need that so I want you to have it. I want you to have that and everything else you deserve. Everything else you’ve earned.