Once upon a time I had an idea, and a dream, and vague concept on how to do some things.
I frequently shelved those because I was so busy thinking I could NOT do it or I was not WORTHY of it or some other negative intrusive thought. Getting out of my own way was harder that any other obstacle.
I few months ago I locked every account down because I was being watched. While I still don’t want to be watched by those particular people, I made the decision this weekend to open the doors. Why?
Truth and transparency has always been how I walk these streets, and doing anything else allows them to change me. They do not get that luxury. There is a power there neither of them should have and I am reclaiming it.
Today is the 1 year anniversary of my break up. Today is the first day of the years of court ahead. Would I prefer this just be a day on the calendar I could look at, note, and move on? Absolutely, but choices were made and for every action there is a reaction.
Being transparent, I am low key annoyed that I will have to have them on the edges of my life for an undetermined amount of time now. Like I typed the other day, I hoped that it could be over. Like I also typed I prepared myself that it would not be over.
I once said they were my favorite study subject. I guess they thought that was me just being romantic. It was, yet it was also true.
I absolutely paid attention in class which is how I anticipated what would come next. In another moment of transparency, I didn’t realize the gift would be wrapped in the package it was, but I don’t turn down gifts.
It’s almost comical in the sense that they watched me find a crack, create a case without the other’s knowledge, plant a seed, pivot and watched as a whole entire corporation was caught off guard and was unable to defend themselves from little ole me. Without an attorney to start, and with little more than my keyboard as a ‘weapon’. They watched this happen in real time. The even benefitted from the results of it. That methodical step by step is what funded my move here.
Yet in their arrogance, they somehow thought they were special enough that it would not happen to them.
Make no mistake, it began just as I typed, scroll on back to get those details.
Make no mistake, the requests for the TROs were based in fact. If that is questioned, it need be no longer since it’s been posted for the world to see. Everything I said, was dropped on the Internet in a MP4 and I didn’t have to lift a finger to get it.
Am I concerned this post will make it disappear? Feathers as someone would call it? No.
The thing is, what’s done cannot be UNDONE, and letters are being drafted for the website’s legal team already. While I am not going to spend the energy and time to rebut all the allegations made, I am going to address one of them.
I am not on the hook for legal fees at the time I type this post. That adjudication is pending. While it is on the surface possible the judge could rule against me, I would not bet on that. I know you want to, because it’s important to you to declare victory and destroy me both by reputation and financially, but do not bet on it.
One year ago – today – I took the L of losing the man I loved. I asked one simple thing, keep your word to me.
It was once said from you to me, all a man has is his word and his balls.
The world now sees what value your word is, and we both know where your balls are so what do you have now?