What’s new?

Lots of the things.

Ask Aphrodite is now a Kindle Vella series : https://www.amazon.com/Vizionz-Bottom-Ask-Aphrodite/dp/B0C67HRWJ2/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=nilotic+nicole&qid=1685911215&s=falkor&sr=1-1

I feel like there is a better way to link that so there may be an edit coming.

5wS is thus far the # 1 seller among the titles I have out on Amazon – want a copy?


I haven’t packed but that is not unusual, I have 1400 things left to do and time to complete 4 things. I will sleep on the airplane.

I have a June show to update and complete and a companion book to work on, that might not be ready by Friday but I shall try to make it happen.

There is also something else in the works that I cannot speak on until I get the permission but I am super excited about it and look forward to being able to share it.

Today is a good day.