So I promised you a story.
I’m a fortunate woman that most of my connections and relationships didn’t end like the last one. I don’t throw people away. I let so few people in and close to me that once you are in it’s pretty much for life until something forces you out.
Newark is in for good. He hates that I call him Newark so I don’t do it in person any more but when I say bae I mean Newark.
Yes I call him bae, I have for quite some time and I can’t recall when I started it. He’s one of my special people and even when we are apart we are together in a sense. I don’t remember if I ever told you the story of how we met, if I did then you can skip to the part about the compression socks sex.
I met a man on a phone line and while he is still pretty special to me, and while the sex was above average I was a bit of a ho and I wanted some variety. So I scrolled through his friend list on MySpace. Yes I said MySpace, Mafia Wars was fun as fuck. Yes I went through the friend list sort of like I did with mediocre. Don’t judge me-it works. I ran across this photo:

There were other photos I would see as well but I am going to keep those to myself.
I hit him up, told him I wanted to hook up and he said cool. It’s really that simple. For women it usually is, and for me it’s almost easy. I tend to muck it up when I catch feelings. That doesn’t mean I won’t catch feelings again, I am not going to shut myself down again. I am going to remember though what’s ‘natural’.
Anyway he lived in Newark NJ and he was one of about 5 people with the same name I knew back then hence the nickname I gave him. We scheduled a day and it turned out to be one of the coldest days that winter. I drove up and it took forever to find some where to park, I did and called him to let him know I was there. He came out to meet me and we found the entire sidewalk to his complex door was a sheet of ice. Walking in the street wasn’t logical it was a damn speedway. So onto the ice we went.
I’d decided that I didn’t want him to get it twisted, I was there to fuck so I’d decided I would arrive in garter belt – thigh high stockings – heels and my fur coat. I had a bag with go home clothes in it, but I arrived on display. I didn’t warn him and he complimented my coat. Told me it was a good choice based on how cold it was. I nodded and looked at the ice, then at my 6 inch heels, then the ice again.
I handed him my bag, he extended his other arm and walk we did. I didn’t slip once.
We had amazing sex that day and have every time we’ve gotten together since.
He lived in Atlanta now, and I shared with him that I would be in town. How could I not? I haven’t seen him before the incident and he’s always been a comfort to me and for me. I knew I only had a limited amount of time, but I also knew we could not be in the same city after all this time and not be together.
He came over to the hotel Friday night. I was annoyed. I had roommates like frequently happens at conventions. I also wanted to see his apartment. When I heard his voice at the door though I ran like a giddy little girl. I threw myself into his arms and for a moment it felt like home. In some ways it is just not the home I imagined would be mine. He also is not mine.
He told me in no uncertain terms were we going to have sex. He was tired from working all day and he’d rather give me no dick than bad dick. I gave him a Nicole stare and we kept catching up on our lives. Slowly the roommates began to flow out to do other things, and he sat on the sofa next to me repeating we were not going to have sex. I stared.
When the last of the roommates left I assumed my usual position, in his arms my head on his lap and around 14 seconds after that he was ripping my clothes off. I knew he would and I wanted him to and finally alone we began to do that thing we do. The odd thing was neither of us took off our socks and we were both wearing compression socks. Listen we are both 50 now with the attachments that come with said age. Compression socks are amazing for 50 year old legs, but not sexy. Well we made them sexy because WE are sexy. And it was every bit the encounter we both needed. We came we laughed we came again.
It was nice to be back in the space mentally and physically I should be. I don’t plan to let it go again.
Sometimes you have to go back in time to see your future. Thank you Big Sexy for the time travel.
I know you won’t read this but that doesn’t mean I will not keep moving. We can’t be 30 again, but we sure as hell still got it at 50