And make no mistake, @NiloticNicole is a bitch.
You can’t see me, Joe
Get on down while I shoot my flow….
And not a very bright one at that. She refused to listen. She was adamant about doing things her way, which was the wrong way.
Of all the things in that disgusting tirade, that sentence right there has always made the least amount of sense. The whole document is senseless and full of lies, but that sentence there? WTF? Until May 7 2022 I was the cutest little obedient lil slavey slave girl you could meet. When they said they wanted out? I said ok. Compliant to the end.
What did I want to do my way? Secure my present – well what was my present then – so that I could plan a future which did not include them. How was I supposed to do that? Ask the person who just abandoned me to pay the rent, help me keep the electric on, feed me and hope they felt like it that day? Or 4 days from then? They said something perhaps in the video, perhaps in text messages, that they would have been more inclined to ‘help‘ me had I not made a demand. Say what now?
When they chose to leave, I was not employed.
At least when we were in the relationship, I could rely on their sense of obligation relating to ownership. What tether was there for me to look at pragmatically and discern it was a reasonable conjecture that they would keep their word? They’d just tossed aside the decade + of friendship, the 2+ years of the relationship, my sacrifice in relocation. I was supposed to say hey there person who just did all that I am going to ask you to help me until I start working again please say yes? You know …. as I type that out? That is exactly what they expected.
They expected me to continue to obey and comply and display need in a fashion palatable to their ego. Right after they broke up with me and alleviated me of my obligation to perform that way. Where they do that at? Where they do NOT do that is my legal residence.
And now @NiloticNicole is assed out and has to pay me money. She says in her
blog that the case isn’t finished. Yes, it is, as far as we are concerned. The fact that she has to
pay us is why she has to go back to court (we do not, we’re done completely). She has to go
back to court after my attorney files the brief regarding her fees. @NiloticNicole will then have
to go BACK to court to try to convince a judge why she shouldn’t have to pay those fees, given
that she was the losing party in her suit against us. So, yes, for us this case is over. For
@NiloticNicole, there’s more schlepping to be done and time off from work to visit the court in
Fairfield. Because that’s what happens when you lose.
I posted, on Twitter I think, that the celebration was premature. They [both of them] chose to run their victory laps on May 4. It was not within their brain power to consider that anything other than me being liable for their unnecessary and excessive attorney fees was going to happen. They’d done it! They’d beaten the villain! That woman who said: don’t call me and threaten me – don’t try to impose your will on me physically when you cannot have your way – pay the money you agreed to pay. By golly they showed her and now they would damage her financially and she would suffer for….those things up there I just typed.
Yes really wrap your head and heart around that. ***EYE*** was the evil doer because I said:
Pay the money you agreed to pay
Do not call me and threaten me
Getting a restraining order after the physical incident in the leasing office.
Well now they’d defeated me! The Big Boss!
She posted things like this:

He posted Fuck You, Pay Me.
The glee in the idea of me having to argue against attorney fees radiates from the screen when you / if you read that which was written. They went to Red Lobster to celebrate their victory and that they no longer had to go to court!
Except….like I said it wasn’t over. I received the motion for fees from their attorney and within it was precisely that I was looking for which, I would not have access to had they not been so arrogant last fall. I would not have had the time to research, and I most likely would have just taken the “L” of that $900.00 they asked for in the beginning. I would not have thought it out the way the year of court granted me. Thank you.
If they had waited until the case was actually over to dance on my grave? FYPM would not have been one of my response exhibits. Thank you. I got to file another subpoena, and that declaration of not having to go back to court was DOA. I remember when this all first started and the two of them showed up for each other’s hearings. United front etc etc well yesterday the named party in the case didn’t even bother to make the trip to support. You know that support which was claimed in FYPM lasting almost 2 decades! Well peppered in there with the occasional nigger I guess.
And because FYPM was written?
The judge called us first yesterday and it took ?maybe? 90 seconds for her to decline their request. Odds are she was going to do that anyhow, hence the scheduling of the hearing. When I contested May 2 she simply could have denied my protest and awarded the fees. She was willing to listen to both sides and allow one of us to make the better argument. I won.
But Nicole! This is your victory lap, it’s premature what if THEY appeal?
I still win. The appellate court is unlikely to overrule a presiding jurist without proof of outlier conduct. They will listen to / read the transcript from May 2 [Google minute orders since you insist there is no way to do that without a court reporter]. They will look at the motions and responses and allow the ruling to stand. The difference? Should they be so bitter and foolish to appeal? This time I will add court fees to MY response, and appellate courts love to give fees.
My legal argument was sound, but my gut says she read FYPM and had enough. I mean, I agree with her.
That writing is still libelous. The facts and proof in it are neither. The video still discloses where I live. That is still doxxing.
@NiloticNicole forgot that I know how to fight, and I don’t mean just martial arts.
They might know how to fight but I know how to win.
He said he would NEVER pay me money to get off the lease. He did. I won.
He said he would NEVER go back to court for the case. He did. I won.
He said I would pay his attorney. I do not. I win.
…..and that next thing planned? Yeah I’m ready for that too.
I said in June of last year, the payment to me of 2 months rent was the fastest and least expensive route to our separation. He chose to not take my advice.
He’s spent a minimum of $4900, probably more, to have to not pay me directly, Because his ego. He would tell you no big deal he can afford it and he still got his way, he didn’t have to pay me directly.
That is not the flex you think it is but imma let you cook.