In preparation for the case against Becky I’d assembled a list of former paramours of whatshisname. They would all say what was true, even though they like me were intimate with whatshisname she never threatened their physical safety like she did me.
Felicia was one of those on the list. time/proximity and other factors had me trim down that list, but Felicia remained. I reached out to her at the beginning of March via email. Hey there I said, you used to have sex with whatshisname did Becky ever threaten you? My outreach wasn’t received well. She said a bunch of things which culminated – or so I thought – in the emails that led to this post:
April 16 I posted about another unprompted and unexpected email from Felicia. That led to this post:
I thought that would be the end of it. After all the hearing was over – the motions about lawyer fees were over – by the way I won. I figured that would be the last of it, and yet here I am typing again.
Before I get into the latest inquiries and responses I want to first share, no photos with random photo shopped penis were harmed in the creation of this post
I was minding my own business kinda like I was back in April, I open my emails to see :
Good afternoon, Nicole,
I want to apologize for the hardships you encountered from me regarding [redacted]. I just read your story and understand your perspectives.
That showed up 8 days ago. Okay. I guess. Sure. Mind you if it were me before all those other emails, I might have read the blog I would later claim the other party was not woman enough to maintain, but in 2023 and beyond I am practicing not holding others to my standard of behavior.
So I was kind, no its cool. I am sure I caught you off guard then, you don’t know me. No foul. Again, I’d essentially forgotten that she existed. I did ask about the random photo though. I was curious. It was odd.
She responded:
He’s been hacking my Internet, YouTube playlist and tried to break up me and my current lover. I had to delete a social media account because he hacked that as well.
Plot Twist like a motherfucker!
Then she said:
Also, according to your timeline, when he was in Philly in May, 2021, we both were at [redacted hotel] room [redacted].
Well while technically that is news, I am not surprised. Before I got there in 2019 he was railing her then, and I am not surprised he’d do it again. I can even tell you what day it was. In hindsight it diminishes him more, and makes the work I had to do to support him while in Philly in 2021 seem foolish, but I have quite a few foolish moments from that relationship. I’m not mad he fucked her though.
Felicia continues on:
He pulled some Bitch shit on Easter.
This one was NOT a plot twist.
I made a mention in Bye Felicia: “It’s almost as if …..meh it’s not worth mentioning.” It felt like her tirade was a distraction. Like someone put a battery in her back and said GO! Now because there was this open case, and because despite all I share here I don’t always tip my hand, I used restraint and didn’t say that at the time. It would help nothing, it might hurt my chances of winning so I sat on that. But I saw it, and it was confirmed for me here:

So one thing to note – the time. The message was sent 118a California time. Most likely from the office, most likely with the sound low so those in the apartment cannot hear alerts. What’s done in the dark etc etc etc Those two chose each other, and like I’ve said he’s back to his old ways. Not my cross to carry though. I do wonder however if it is known and understood WHY the new arrival was gifted/granted. I do. I even know the name of the person who prompted the arrival of the 4 legged visitor, but it’s none of my business so – shrug.
Second thing to note – the lie about how I got the emails. I didn’t do shit clandestine. They were sent to me as he was mocking Felicia. Again though, no longer by business.
Felicia is not an enemy, and I pretty much give zero fucks about her. She had a purpose, served it, I moved on.
I ended that conversation, where she claimed to be hacked by him and that she was initiating her own legal case against him with the following:
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What [redacted] does not realize is that I don’t have to do anything underhanded to hold him accountable. He provides everything. His ego won’t allow him to concede, even when it is to his detriment.
He wasted a year of our lives and spent at least $5k to avoid paying me $980.
He is his own worst enemy and still setting himself up for more legal issues. I used to pity him, but now? Even that is too much energy to extend towards him.
Today – again – minding my own business I get this:
Good afternoon, Nicole,
At your earliest convenience if you could provide me with the docket number(s) from your court case(s), that would be greatly appreciated and helpful.
Adding the court records from your account will bolster your blog and allegations of assault.
Thank you for your anticipated assistance.
Kind regards,
Now hours later I understand she meant that adding the docket #s would bolster whatever SHE was writing up, but I took it upon receipt as her suggesting that I wanted more click bait.
I told her I had nothing to prove to her, and if she had a lawyer have them contact me, if she were representing herself send a subpoena. I even had the kindness to share WHY when she went off on one of her petulant nonsensical ramblings:
My resistance is multiple, first and most importantly my code of ethics.
I know you don’t know me, but I operate in a very specific fashion. I don’t do things which can send negative karma my way.
While I may personally delight in the fact [redacted] has yet another legal matter to attend to, “piling on” so to speak is a form of bullying and I do not bully.
If formally asked by attorney or subpoena I will tell the truth. I try to ALWAYS tell the truth. In this matter, I don’t know what is or is not needed so having the formal request allows me to share just what is needed and not over step.
Second, in your last series of emails to me you said [redacted] hacked you. I have no way of knowing if I am even speaking to YOU. so, even if I were a gossip or wanted to jump on and add to his misery, my share might not be doing that.
Third, tangential to my ethics, the information is easily accessible as they are public records. You don’t need me to share them, you are asking me to make your prosecution of [redacted] easier. That’s not my job.
Some of the information in the records contain things like his current address and [redacted] information. Me directing you to them by providing you case #s is doxxing. That is a crime and I’ve never been convicted of one in 50 years, today is not the day I start to break that streak.
You will choose to believe or not accept or not. That’s your prerogative.
Be well.
Yes I did the be well again. Yes I am still petty.
She came back with:
You are full of shit and will be persecuted along with your dickless Master.
I am fairly sure she meant prosecuted and I am even more sure that is not how any of that works. I am also no longer his. He also has a dick, I used to enjoy said dick a lot.
I felt low key guilty for being petty so I tried one more time to be reasonable. Yeah I know….
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If you’ve retained an attorney have them reach out. It’s really that simple.
If it’s to support a police report you plan to file? I still have friends in Central Detectives Northeast Detectives and Southwest Detectives. Have them reach out to me. It’s likely going to be someone I know and I’m sure they would love to catch up with me.
If you have to do the search? Use my legal name: Nicole Burton. That will bring up the police report from July 2022 and the domestic violence restraining order and the civil harassment restraint order.
If you don’t want to do any of that? Okay
Once more I’m not required to make your claim simpler or do your work for you.
If you choose to view that as me being a liar? Your opinion of me changes nothing.
If you think that you have a legal case against me? Run with it if that’s what you feel. As I shared I’ve never been convicted of a crime before and that won’t begin today. I’ve committed no crimes.
I never said the subpoena was coming from an attorney. You perhaps thought that but I never said that.
You chose not to cooperate, you aren’t worth the money for a process server when you gave me what I needed in your prior emails to me. Your scope was did [redacted] ever threaten you. In your emails you said she did not. I kept my money.
If I receive an official request for information I will provide it factually and truthfully. Until then we aren’t “bonding” as women [redacted] has mistreated. We aren’t friends.
I will not alter how I behave to make your life simpler to my detriment. Again, if this is even you, Miss [redacted] hacked me.
Do what you will or not.
Believe or not.
But profane laced petulant outbursts don’t sway me.
Felicia hasn’t responded, but I can say that I tried to meet hysterical with reason.
Constant Reader, have a great day and
Be Well