Like Mz Badu sings what a day what a day.
Before the app formerly known as Twitter crashes and burns for good I am pleased that Black Twitter is still a thing and that it still can bring laughter and joy.
I was avoiding homework because….me and I opened up the X to see this:
Yes this post is still me avoiding homework. Don’t judge me.
Not all that long ago there was someone I could share this moment with, and that is not the current situation. When I did share I didn’t get the REACTIONS I’d grown accustomed to and asked myself am I getting soft and beginning to attract soft people?
I had to search for a moment to find the Tweet I shared. Look his momma named him Tweet imma call him Tweet.
I don’t get as many random yts here as I used to but for those who might stumble upon, I wanted the version which shows the beginning. Now the mele after is what gave me LIFE, but the beginning is important.
0:49 – boat owners run up on Black man. The man worked for the tour boat the camera holder was on. They needed to dock to let the passengers off. Was that his job? Kinda. He may have gone above and beyond by moving the boat. The real issue is though, that man would not have done that if the sport boat owners weren’t “illegally parked”. I am positive there were warnings and boat horns and other attempts to get that boat to move. Last resort was move it out the way.
0:59 – You can tell the words were heated, the Black man turned his BB cap backwards. That was signal one, that if the sport boat owners didn’t alter their course of action, shit was going to get real.
1:13 – You get your first glimpse of AquaMayne. He’s a part of the boat crew and you see them all watching as their co-workers are arguing. Prior in the video there is a taller yt man wearing a vest, he seems to be trying to cool things down, but AquaMayne is the hero without the cape in this story.
1:42 – Black people Blacking. I love us. In less than 5 seconds we are laughing and singing Ludacris. Meanwhile you can see Unc on the dock pointing to the big assed tour boat over explaining why he was doing what he did. SMH – he should not have to explain.
2:20 – While you can’t hear the words, the body language indicates that young yt in the red swim trunks was still popping off at the mouth. Old yt in the gray trunks seems to be trying to say cool let it go, and Unc is walking away. Young yt was most likely popping off, and the hat which had been restored, gets turned around again. Warning #2.
I am going to interject a thing here. If you are not Black, if you were not raised around Black people, there are signs you should understand indicate you are about to get hands laid upon you. Because of our history in this nation, we aren’t able to just exist freely, without restraint. If we get to the point where we have to knuckle up, there are warning signs. Ignore them at your peril. No I will not tell you what they are, go ask your Black friends. Don’t have any? Sucks to be you.
3:02 – Old yt walks young yt away, the other yt seems to be leaving to move the boat and short stocky yt comes down the ramp to ask questions. Sigh. Why can’t yt folk just mind their business?
3:21 – Unc starts clapping his hands. Warning #3
3:27 – The yt who we thought was going to move the boat pops in screen and throws the first punch.
3:30 – The spirit of Bobby Schmurda enters Unc’s body, the hat goes into the air, and you can hear him say fuck this job through the screen.
3:30 – Young yt in the red swim trunks comes flying in to jump Unc.
Now that we’ve seen how the yts fucked around….let’s see what they found out: Before I do though:
3:47 – tall useless yt with the vest appears to ‘try’ to help but he is ushered off swiftly by the mayonaise mob and it feels like the last time we see him.
Now back to finding out:
Video One Highlights
First that woman’s voice, love it. Video one picks up after Unc gets jumped. Around 0:23 you see a civilian in a Nike t-shirt witness this and take off running to assist. Auntie is yelling y’all help dat boy, not understanding the calvary is on the way, and no I am not talking about Melinda May. At 0:35 we get our first glimpse of who I called AquaMayne. That lil boy dived off the boat and swam to the dock to stand by his co-worker. He’s 16 years old. That explains why he was able to swim. pull himself up on the dock and whoop ass. It is not in these videos I don’t think, but there is one which shows right after he arrives soaking wet with one sock on he body slams one of the yts. I believe the children are the future.
Video Two Highlights
This is a version of AFTER the boat is finally able to dock. The swarm you see are the crew saying not today satan and bringing all the smoke. Warning # whatever I lost count. If you see Black man skipping towards you, issa wrap. Those men rolled up skipping to the boat and it was over. The Blue shirts? Crew from the ship. The commentary #chefskiss.
Video Three Highlights
The Divine 9 got off the boat and got them some. I think I am supposed to feel bad about the woman in the red dress catching a chair… I don’t though.
I had to do it one more time.
So much about this touched me.
This was in Montgomery AL. The ‘birthplace’ of the Civil Rights Movement. At the dock where slave ships unloaded our ancestors to be sold. In the waters which carried their blood and bodies out to sea. A 16 year old child, swam those same waters to stand next to his brother, perhaps not of blood but by melanin.
I ordered that shirt above when I still lived in Pottstown. I needed it in Pottstown. I still wear it, and yes I need it here.
I wear it to remind the yts I meet, that their idea of what the Civil Rights Movement was is a dog which does not hunt in 2023. My ancestors didn’t all peacefully march, some of them tossed fades but the yt liberal of the Bay forgot about that. My shirt is a warning like turning my hat backwards or clapping my hands. I don’t skip though. I am fat and 50, I need alllll that energy to swing.
I’ve only had to knuckle up with a racist once. It was in Roxboro in Philly and she won’t ever forget me. I also won’t ever forget her, she called me nigger.
I thought I might have to once since I got here, but that threat to pull up turned out to be only a threat. I didn’t forget it though. I mean, if you can call the man who pays your rent nigger, what do you call the woman you’ve been intimidated by her existence of for the past decade? I don’t care that much, unless you say it to my face.