I did not write here yesterday because I needed to unpack what the milestone was. I wasn’t as prepared for it as I thought I would be and it froze me. I am unfrozen now though. I have knowledge now to unfreeze me in moments like this. I mean I’ve always had knowledge but I give myself permission to use it these days.

Is it simple to believe in the worst? At times. I am not as tethered to it as I once was. I have to extend some thanks for that to my clients. They picked me, trusted me, and they are flourishing because of their will and my guidance. It’s a heal thyself moment and I am choosing to heal.

I was listening to Dr Wayne Dyer while completing a project last night and in one of his segments he spoke on beliefs vs knowledge. That also helped me unfreeze and brought me to a moment where I had to do that which was possible.

People believe in many things, myself included. Can we separate the knowledge that is contrary to our beliefs and move forward? At times we cannot.

Less than a month away from 51 and the chorus of voices which detail why I can’t still sing in my brain. Each day is a decision to do it anyhow and it’s working.

For every reason one of those voices use to try to keep me static, I remind myself this is precisely WHY it WILL work.


I will be sad that there are not more conversations for us to have. I am glad you no longer hurt.