Cool now that I have your attention let’s have a conversation about why y’all really mad at Jada Pinkett-Smith.

By y’all I men Black men, but the pick me’s can grab some of this shade as well.
So let’s roll back a little to a Different World.

She pulled up to your television screen weekly and was just your kind of woman. Light skinned and tiny yet curvy. She was the ‘hood’ girl with the common sense to educate and build a better future, and her commitment to holding onto her chastity made her ‘valuable’. That was all a character though. Doesn’t matter you bought it full price. The actual Jada was a little different, but you didn’t see her. What you SAW was that one of the GOATs chose her – 2Pac. One of your icons looked at her and saw someone he wanted. Mind you, Jada said he never hit, and he isn’t here to dispute that. It is clear they were close. In your tiny minds you can’t imagine a man and a woman being that close and not having intercourse. Pac was beyond you though. It’s said he proposed to her while in jail, and you can’t wrap your head around why he would do that if he never hit. It’s completely possible but….
Anyhow, she moved on to Will Smith. THE Will Smith.
It was obvious to you she was a bad bitch! Pac then Will. How could two examples of Black male excellence both want her if she wasn’t a baddie. For a moment there, Will was THE man in Hollywood. He chose her.
Then she shattered your illusions about her – she spoke.
Turns out she was not what you imagined, she was *gasp* a human being with her own thoughts, her own plans and those plans did not include being known as someone’s wife.
Turns out, she never actually wanted to be married at all. She got pregnant and wasn’t able to resist the societal pressure to say I do.
Here was this woman who dared to not be grateful she was chosen, and chosen by TWO HIGH VALUE men. TWO
She wanted to live her own life, she wanted to do her own thing. She refused to sit and be quiet and participate in the facade.
By those actions she diminished those two HIGH VALUE men of yours and reminded you that in ‘comparison’ you were mediocre at best. Now…. THEY don’t think that but you do and that’s why you hate her. How dare this Black woman not just be grateful she’s Mrs Will Smith. How dare she say he was not enough for her? Mind you she didn’t precisely SAY that, but you assume that because well….
Low Key you heard the ‘whispers’ about their open marriage and thought it could be an example you could implement. You could have a harem of bad bitches like Jada, but you’d convince them to STFU.
It doesn’t work like that though.
Thing is…she loves her husband. She’s never said she doesn’t. While their marriage might not be traditional like colonization taught you it should be, it is theirs and they ain’t letting go.
But she called Tupac her soulmate.
Context motherfuckers. If you could read I would tell you to read the book.
But she had sex with her son’s friend.
Yeah, not likely her best moment, and I have feelings about that. But Will told us in his own book that they’d made decisions with one another about the course of their relationship. She didn’t cheat on him.
But Will slapped Chris Rock and they aren’t even together.
Aren’t they though?
Jada is the woman who refuses to allow you to hold onto your imaginary power and superiority. And she’s Black.
That’s why you hate her. You hate her because she might show other women that they need not subscribe to your version of how life should be when they can write their own story.
Sucks to be you