It’s been a minute since I did one of these and I have the time today so I figured why the hell not.
Tell me why some overweight, post-wall, “baby-daddy” having women actually still believe that they are worthy of a handsome, generous, established man with resources. There’s always a younger, slimmer, childless, more cooperative woman just around the way.
They say you should not answer a question WITH a question but I’ve never much conformed to the ways of the world.
Why would an emotionally intelligent, stable, non manipulative man want someone younger?
Let’s set aside the men who want to father children. It’s not that they don’t matter, but biology is what it is and a 50 year old woman is statistically less likely to carry to term a healthy child than a 20 year old. I could argue that even in those cases where they are seeking to create a family they can still do it in a more age appropriate fashion, but then this blog would be 8000 words long.
The question itself comes from a post on social media and it was a lead into to a video:
So in this video iffin you don’t have the 10 minutes to spare the woman on the right Kris is single and looking for a man who she hopes eventually will become her husband. She’s 39 and the mother of 4. According to her she owns a hair salon. Of her 4 children one is an adult another is almost 18 the youngest is 9 I believe so these are not small children. She wants a man who works and earns 100k. She noted that 2 of her formers earned that money but they did so in blue collar type jobs with utility companies, so she isn’t looking for a flashy earner rather someone stable. She says she was never married but engaged twice. Just taking her at face value? She’s on the surface a catch. She’s not a size 3 but she’s also not 600 pounds. I think the butt might be a BBL but she’s not ugly in the ace or body. If you listen to the logic of the original question, no man should want to wife this woman.
I mean…I don’t see the advantage to HER in getting married at all, but that seems to be what she wants. I could do a whole segment on her comment that I have everything BUT the man but you will have to wait for the ReesaTeesa recap for that one.
There is no reason if she wants to be married that she can’t attract the person she wants, zero. She’s not looking for someone making 8 figures. She’s not looking for someone in a flashy career. She’s not even being specific on his looks, she says she is open to many possibilities, what matters to her is their chemistry and their energy.
Yet the comments on this post, like so many on YouTube these days are full of knuckle dragging ashy red pill HOTEPS appalled that a woman dare set standards for herself.
“Tell me why some overweight, post-wall, “baby-daddy” having women actually still believe that they are worthy of a handsome, generous, established man with resources.” Because. Period.
Mind you the person who posted this is only one of the items on the list, 2 if you really like them. Mind you the person who posted this who absolutely be attracted to this woman. Would they marry her? No but allegedly they don’t ever plan on getting married again. But could this woman be a contender for a relationship? Sans the kids maybe, but that is simply because this person went that route once before and is unlikely to become a step parent again. Well an active step-parent because …well …I have stories and receipts.
A woman, every woman is worthy of love in the manner she wants to receive it. Does that mean she will get it? Not necessarily but that doesn’t make her less worthy.
“There’s always a younger, slimmer, childless, more cooperative woman just around the way.“
Let’s unpack that.
Younger. Slimmer. Childless. More cooperative.
All those words to say they want someone they can manipulate. They want someone without expectations who might not realize they are settling for less than what they deserve. The men who chase younger women many times realize that their limited offerings, arrested development and average stamina aren’t going to excite a woman of similar age. This is what I mean when I speak of men who refuse to evolve and adapt. Instead of putting in work and becoming a full healed human being they would prefer to infect the youth with their raggedy behavior and in 10 years wonder why the cooperative woman they met is mad as hell. There is only one way to alter that, since men have shown they will not take the initiative, and that is for women to hold them accountable. Or….we can just leave them the fuck alone until we need a nut #kanyeshrug
The other side to this tarnished coin are the younger men who seek out older women because they might be decent in bed and think that older women are happy for the attention. That’s a different post though.
Your choice of partner says a lot about you. I’d elaborate but it is not necessary.
Leave women with their standards and stop being so emotionally stunted that you can’t meet them.