This is a screen capture from a movie I had playing in the background tonight, Disclosure. It’s from the early 90s and tells the story of a sexual harassment case, and based on a novel…
Nicole Burton/Aphrodite Brown is the owner and creator of Vizionz from the Bottom. Vizionz is a life and culture blog covering all aspects of life from pop culture, to politics, to parenting, with an extra heavy dose of alternative lifestyle & sex positive living.
This is a screen capture from a movie I had playing in the background tonight, Disclosure. It’s from the early 90s and tells the story of a sexual harassment case, and based on a novel…
I went on a trip a couple weeks ago. It was not terribly far from Narnia but it was a whole other world. Like what usually happens, I had intentions when I went there and…
I’m leaving with more than I brought, literally on multiple levels. I did unload some things, but that space was a filled with something else. If I do nothing else for the next 2 weeks…
Even though my inbox is dry as fuck, absent propositions, it never stays empty because there are always questions. This isn’t quite an Ask Aphrodite though, because this one was specific to my process. In…