Ugly Duckling
Quite a few years back I learned a lesson: just because we went to high school together doesn’t make us friends. I call it the #BlameTia clause.
Nicole Burton/Aphrodite Brown is the owner and creator of Vizionz from the Bottom. Vizionz is a life and culture blog covering all aspects of life from pop culture, to politics, to parenting, with an extra heavy dose of alternative lifestyle & sex positive living.
Quite a few years back I learned a lesson: just because we went to high school together doesn’t make us friends. I call it the #BlameTia clause.
I wanna know what you’re thinking………
Hey there constant reader! In what is now a Vizionz tradition, your getting links to my “favorite” posts of the previous 11 months. Favorite doesn’t necessarily mean the best, rather as I scroll through…
So my post yesterday got some views. I got a couple messages from people expecting to hear more about the blow job. Perverts.