Sex has been on my mind lately. Well if I am being honest it is USUALLY on my mind, but this time I mean the sex that you are having…or not having…or having poorly. More…
Nicole Burton/Aphrodite Brown is the owner and creator of Vizionz from the Bottom. Vizionz is a life and culture blog covering all aspects of life from pop culture, to politics, to parenting, with an extra heavy dose of alternative lifestyle & sex positive living.
Sex has been on my mind lately. Well if I am being honest it is USUALLY on my mind, but this time I mean the sex that you are having…or not having…or having poorly. More…
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Hi Constant Reader Back here I wrote about my love/hate relationship with Tami Roman reality television star : Seeing Tami back on television took me back to a place in my life when she was…
It bothers me that the R&B artist Brian McKnight had the audacity to write a song about showing a woman that she can be sexually satisfied, but when I stop and think about it: He…
E L James. She is an author. She’s written a trilogy of books that are BDSM lite, and in my humble opinion beyond dangerous. I can not stop reading though, and that in and of…