Adventures in Babysitting
My boy is 10. Although he still wears pull ups at night, I am well beyond the burping and changing diapers phase of child rearing. I’ve been pretty vocal about not wanting additional children and…
Nicole Burton/Aphrodite Brown is the owner and creator of Vizionz from the Bottom. Vizionz is a life and culture blog covering all aspects of life from pop culture, to politics, to parenting, with an extra heavy dose of alternative lifestyle & sex positive living.
My boy is 10. Although he still wears pull ups at night, I am well beyond the burping and changing diapers phase of child rearing. I’ve been pretty vocal about not wanting additional children and…
So I am still here, but then again so are you since you are reading this. Fear not though the actual END of the world is October 21, 2011…..there is still time. I will be…
If you’ve been coming here for a moment you have seen glimpses of this….since the world is ending @ 6 (or not) I thought that I would share something. In one of my first entries…
It will be 6pm in about 5 hours for me, I figure if the world ends only a handful of you will see this, if it does not I can delete this 😉 Were my…
I consider myself opinionated – but not a hypocrite. That would be why I am making a confession. I am only thankful that my lifestyle friend Pierre is not close as I type this. If…