So in the list of things that I will go to my grave being embarrassed about one of them includes: I watched an episode of Tyra. Hey #dontjudgeme The television was on that station and…
Nicole Burton/Aphrodite Brown is the owner and creator of Vizionz from the Bottom. Vizionz is a life and culture blog covering all aspects of life from pop culture, to politics, to parenting, with an extra heavy dose of alternative lifestyle & sex positive living.
So in the list of things that I will go to my grave being embarrassed about one of them includes: I watched an episode of Tyra. Hey #dontjudgeme The television was on that station and…
I catch a lot of heat about my views. There are many who think that my outlook on sex and relationships means that I can not support their choices. There is nothing that is further…
My name is Nicole and I am a football fan. More importantly I am a Philadelphia Eagles fan. I have been since diapers, I was raised a good girl with good values. No front running…
Only one person chose to share their thoughts on my royal wedding blog, but many of you sent me a message. Thank you, feedback is always welcome, and my only wish is that more of…
It is Thursday April 28 as I type this, hours away from the “ROYAL WEDDING” Some will question the amount of estrogen in my body because of this, and I can assure you, I have…