Lessons Learned
I have only come here seeking knowledge…things they would not teach me of in college. I have always enjoyed Sting’s voice, and the music of the Police even if I now realize they are a…
Nicole Burton/Aphrodite Brown is the owner and creator of Vizionz from the Bottom. Vizionz is a life and culture blog covering all aspects of life from pop culture, to politics, to parenting, with an extra heavy dose of alternative lifestyle & sex positive living.
I have only come here seeking knowledge…things they would not teach me of in college. I have always enjoyed Sting’s voice, and the music of the Police even if I now realize they are a…
Less Than Zero is a novel by Bret Easton Ellis, published in 1985. Less Than Zero is also a motion picture released in 1987. The novel, if you are a purist is the better of…
This song plays during the opening of the movie that saved my life: Less Than Zero. It was on Tuesday night, and if you follow me on Twitter, you saw a glimpse of what my…
I should be clear….I think Valentine’s Day is a bunch of bullshit. It is a commercial holiday designed to get folk to spend spend spend in a post holiday hangover. Like most bullshit though, if…
The human condition never fails to disappoint. I was having a conversation the other day, and I admitted to ‘knowing that I am exceptional’. It attracts people, in many different ways. I got to experience…