Day Three – Your Parents
I saw this one on the list and considered skipping it..but I have found that I connect the most when I am the most honest and the most raw so here goes whatever: Mother #1 …
Nicole Burton/Aphrodite Brown is the owner and creator of Vizionz from the Bottom. Vizionz is a life and culture blog covering all aspects of life from pop culture, to politics, to parenting, with an extra heavy dose of alternative lifestyle & sex positive living.
I saw this one on the list and considered skipping it..but I have found that I connect the most when I am the most honest and the most raw so here goes whatever: Mother #1 …
One of the conclusions that I came to as a single woman is that in this Noah’s Ark world, I would not have a mate. I am different than everyone else that I know. It…
Sometimes I feel like my ass is too damned old to be having crushes….but then again I am too old for most of the shit that I do. I wasn’t totally SURE that I had…
My 2nd go round on Twitter is quite the experience. I think I finally get why people Tweet…even if people do not always get my Tweets. In my Twitter travels I ran across a brilliant…
Google product Description Perhaps I should not – but I know of no other name that is appropriate. I alternate between proposing marriage to Mr Hitachi & “accidentally” allowing him to fall into a tub…