Spread ’em
You are looking @ a picture of a spreader bar. In this thing that I do, my toys look a little different that what many folk think about when they think, adult toys. You may…
Nicole Burton/Aphrodite Brown is the owner and creator of Vizionz from the Bottom. Vizionz is a life and culture blog covering all aspects of life from pop culture, to politics, to parenting, with an extra heavy dose of alternative lifestyle & sex positive living.
You are looking @ a picture of a spreader bar. In this thing that I do, my toys look a little different that what many folk think about when they think, adult toys. You may…
“The Gift” is still on the way but in the meantime….enjoy. I want you to drive me crazy. Seriously. I mean really crazy. Tear my clothes off in public crazy. Shout at the top of…
I’ve been engaging in the BDSM lifestyle for over a decade now. Somethings about it are quite simple, others not as simple. My surrender is not a simple one. It takes someone who is exceptional…
**** Caution this blog contains information HIGHLY sexual in nature and slightly off the beaten path. If you are thin skinned please hit the BACK button now **** Watersports Definition: Water sports is a common…
This blog was designed to be entertaining but it will also educate (I hope) There will be delightful stories about mom and the boy, my son, or as I have christened them, Bonnie & Clyde.…