In The Plateau
One of my crushes does a workshop on this, and when I signed up for it I didn’t expect it to be what it was….yet I needed every word and experience in that session. I…
Nicole Burton/Aphrodite Brown is the owner and creator of Vizionz from the Bottom. Vizionz is a life and culture blog covering all aspects of life from pop culture, to politics, to parenting, with an extra heavy dose of alternative lifestyle & sex positive living.
One of my crushes does a workshop on this, and when I signed up for it I didn’t expect it to be what it was….yet I needed every word and experience in that session. I…
If you’ve met me you know that I was a Sex and the City fan. I didn’t care that there were no people who looked like me, I still saw myself in the women on…
I recall in the early spring of 2020 when the world shut down and I thought I was built for that moment. I was, then. It took months and months and months for the isolation…
In the moment I am calm but what this past week has shown me is that is subject to change in a whim. The good thing is that I change back quickly but that shift…
One of the things about this journey, or at least this point of the journey, is that I realize along the walk how much living I haven’t actually done. In conversations with the people I…