With the end of the ‘era’ so to speak when it comes to POC centered kink events, I find my self amazingly enough not MOSTLY focused on the kink. I am in the spirit.
With the end of the ‘era’ so to speak when it comes to POC centered kink events, I find my self amazingly enough not MOSTLY focused on the kink. I am in the spirit.
You come here constant reader to get all of me. I understand that it can be a bit… putting to cum for the kink and find politics but this is me. I am a lot.…
Your girl has fortune smile upon her sometimes. You know I will take it.
Yes I am reflective right now. I will end up coming back here in six months or a year or possibly two and see this moment in time as a turning point. In the meantime…
I am a little offbeat today. Sure it’s been a week and I should be over it but obviously I am not. The question now presents since I am not…how do I fix it?