Winding Roads
On of the ways that I used to reduce stress in my life was to take night time drives. I would hop in the vehicle at about 1 in the morning and hit the highway.…
On of the ways that I used to reduce stress in my life was to take night time drives. I would hop in the vehicle at about 1 in the morning and hit the highway.…
Writing is an outlet for me. I write here, I journal to The Man, I have a few hundred short stories some finished, some not. At last count I had 60 black&white composition notebooks with…
I’d only returned to my job at AFSCME District Council 33 on a full time basis for a couple of months. I was a new mother. My son was not yet a year old. My…
Most of the time the things that run around in my head you do not get constant reader. Today though, I am going to share just a little more. My relationship is quite important to…
Friday mornings are like yellow diamonds here in this house. The midget Dominant is normally off @ school, mom is normally sleeping in. It is Friday mornings that I use the most to feel like…