May 7 2022 was a Saturday. It was quiet-ish for me. Before midnight the relationship I’d moved here to solidify and prosper was over. By May 15…I’d have to go through the old messages to…
May 7 2022 was a Saturday. It was quiet-ish for me. Before midnight the relationship I’d moved here to solidify and prosper was over. By May 15…I’d have to go through the old messages to…
While they making up facts….. Excellence is my presence, never tense never hesitant….
The conversation this afternoon was unexpected but the Universe knows I needed it. As usual the Universe delivered, I expect nothing else, but yes I am still kind of …but for ME? I didn’t cry,…
This time a year ago I was icing my thumb and crying. It was a Saturday morning and I had not yet been added to the Saturday rotation at the gig. I can still almost…
I have an astrology app on my phone. I can’t say that I am big on astrology but this particular app seems to like to drag me for filth 5-6 days a week. Today’s entry:…