Reality Steps Into View
What do you get when the moment you’ve been waiting for turns out just a little differently than you imagined? Two weeks is not a long time. In theory it is enough time to reconnect…
What do you get when the moment you’ve been waiting for turns out just a little differently than you imagined? Two weeks is not a long time. In theory it is enough time to reconnect…
Those of us a little more seasoned in this kink thing warn the kids on the streets about NRE – New Relationship Energy. It’s a state of mind, manifesting physically and emotionally when you first…
I have pink toe nails. Not that big a deal to read, it was a big deal to make happen though. I had this idea of the next two weeks would look like and damnit…
This time next week I won’t he here typing. I will be out in the Philly streets doing shit I have not done in literally years. Before COVID I dispensed with the girlie stuff. Not…
In August of 2019, I hadn’t thought about this date. By January of 2020, I hadn’t thought of this table I am typing on. In my head it was going to be different. As I…