So, during a recent sexual encounter when I rolled over to go to sleep my orgasm count rested at one. Prior to then I cannot recall the last time I only had one orgasm.
So, during a recent sexual encounter when I rolled over to go to sleep my orgasm count rested at one. Prior to then I cannot recall the last time I only had one orgasm.
As my time at Randolph Court nears its end, my most important challenge looms on the horizon. I don’t know that I was ready for it but are we ever really ready?
They sat on the sofa catching up on old times. They hadn’t seen each other in about three years. Their friendship never diminished, rather life and her mechanization kept them apart. First came Gei, and…
I smiled when I heard that last night. I always smile when he says that. It conjures images to me of women with leathery cracked skin, that he says my skin is soft.
Once upon a time that was the screen name that I used while navigating the world wide web. That name is especially relevant at this stage of being Aphrodite.