Time Traveler
I ran across an article this week which said, and of course I am paraphrasing, that scientists in Antarctica appear to have discovered a parallel universe where time goes backwards. As good as life is…
I ran across an article this week which said, and of course I am paraphrasing, that scientists in Antarctica appear to have discovered a parallel universe where time goes backwards. As good as life is…
One of the things you should ask your potential life partner is do they use/eat mayonnaise. If you don’t you might find that you’re waiting for lunch one otherwise delightful Saturday afternoon and they are…
May 13, 1985 I was in 7th grade. I was a fairly sheltered girl, living in a reasonably affluent section of Philadelphia. I was a handful of miles away from where I would for the…
Once upon a time there was a girl who did not dream. Her dreams were stolen, beaten and otherwise diminished to the point where they no longer served a purpose except to deliver pain. To…
Someone asked me if I planned on inventing anew category every time my life changed. I don’t quite have the answer to that one except …..pending. It’s May in Philadelphia and for the foreseeable future…