Did you call the cops? She asked. No was my response. Why not? Her voice said my actions were crazy, Ive seen enough crazy lately exhibited by myself and others to know that tone. What…
Did you call the cops? She asked. No was my response. Why not? Her voice said my actions were crazy, Ive seen enough crazy lately exhibited by myself and others to know that tone. What…
I met her through the same telephone line I met The Man. That line gave me some successes and some failures. In both there were lessons. She was looking for someone to hook up with…
In my time here some things that I need to work on came rushing to the surface. I wasn’t necessarily ready to work on them but that doesn’t matter. One of them is a matter…
I’m in Phase 2, Marvel Cinematic Universe fans should understand that reference. Phase one was the introduction of the characters. These are the people you will get to know who will be present at the…
The move to Baltimore was not expected. Many things in my life these days are not. The leap of faith I took is something that historically I haven’t done much. Stay close, stay safe, stay…