Ask Aphrodite : Girls Who Dance With Girls
Hi Aphrodite My girlfriend and I have been together for about 5 months now. Things are pretty good between us but recently I became suspicious. I knew that she was a bisexual woman when…
Hi Aphrodite My girlfriend and I have been together for about 5 months now. Things are pretty good between us but recently I became suspicious. I knew that she was a bisexual woman when…
ra·pa·cious adjective \rə-ˈpā-shəs\ : always wanting more money, possessions, etc. : wanting more than is needed or deserved Full Definition of RAPACIOUS 1 : excessively grasping or covetous 2 : living on prey 3 : ravenous <a rapacious appetite> — ra·pa·cious·ly adverb — ra·pa·cious·ness noun…
Raise your hand if the name Doug Williams is in your consciousness.
Someone is in the news again. The one thing about the news regarding Mr. Allen is that there is enough ambiguity about what might have happened to be assured that we will never know…
It is rare these days that I take the moment here to examine my own kinky ….. hmmm not sure which word fits. One of the things that has attracted you to me is my…