I’ve Been Here Before
Last night I came home and went straight to bed. It’s been a while since I’ve done that. I know why I did it, otherwise I would have to address the text message I got.…
Last night I came home and went straight to bed. It’s been a while since I’ve done that. I know why I did it, otherwise I would have to address the text message I got.…
I open the blog from time to time and review some of the entries. At times it is because I want to see where I was around this time say six years ago. At times…
Is better than zero right? About a month ago I looked at my home and realized I was still in a holding pattern. I looked at the box which held my patio furniture, the box…
The thing about living your life out loud is that there are people who will watch. These days the people who are watching me are the same people I am trying to shield myself from…
What is written below popped up in my facebook memories. It was early on in the process of caring for Bonnie and Clyde. We’d go through a hell of a lot more, including years. I…