Something Old & Something New
I thought that I was okay leaving last weekend. I made it through! I told this to the therapist as I laid in bed talking to her. That should have been my first sign, yet…
I thought that I was okay leaving last weekend. I made it through! I told this to the therapist as I laid in bed talking to her. That should have been my first sign, yet…
Facebook memories are a motherfucker, seriously. I keep running across posts that don’t age well, like the time I complained about the overzealous response to Ebola landing on American shores, or the photo with my…
These posts will get published eventually. They all do. Right now they are just for me to record to remember to never forget. I fucked up. The fuck up wasn’t leaving. That was the right…
Ain’t no party like an Aphrodite party. [Editor’s Note – this post was constructed in 2017. The initial segment was drafted on the night of the events. The subsequent commentary is my memory of the…